DescriptionDon't miss this manga collection of over a dozen short Made in Abyss stories by a variety of creators! Adventure awaits in this official anthology of short manga inspired by...
DescriptionA collection of over a dozen short stories for the bestselling manga! In an era when the world has been scoured for secrets, one place remains unexplored-a massive cave system...
DescriptionTHE ABYSS IS ENDLESS!Immerse yourself in the third Made in Abyss anthology, full of strange tales spun by a host of talented creators, each with their own unique vision of...
DescriptionEXPLORE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES IN THIS ALL-NEW FANTASY SERIES! In an age when the corners of the world have been scoured for their secrets, only one place remains unexplored-a massive cave...
DescriptionINTO THE ABYSS! Reg and Riko's descent to the bottom of the netherworld has begun! With a perilous journey ahead and their pursuers from the surface not far behind, the...
DescriptionDESCENT INTO DARKNESS Riko and Reg have left the Seeker Camp and ventured further into the Abyss! The mysteries and peril that await them are the stuff of nightmares-but these...
DescriptionBEAUTIFUL BUT DEADLY Riko is finally on her feet again after her near-death brush with the orb-piercer. But the threat of death is always close in the Abyss. The Garden...
DescriptionSO CLOSE, YET SO FAR The trio have arrived at Ido Front! The depth's sixth layer is almost within reach, but getting there is easier said than done. Before they...
DescriptionTHE PATH OF NO RETURN Riko and her friends have finally made it to the sixth layer! Not long after taking their last dive, they find themselves in a village...
DescriptionA DESPERATE SEARCH Riko awakens in the sixth layer, but Reg and Nanachi are nowhere to be found. Riko's search for her companions takes her deep into the Village of...
DescriptionA DARK PAST Vueko, once one of the Three Sages, tells the harrowing origin story of the Village of the Hollows! What terrors did the members of the suicide squad...
DescriptionON THE BRINK OF DESTRUCTION Faputa, Irumyuui's final child, burns with a thirst for revenge. She wants to destroy the Village of the Hollows! Is there anything Riko and the...