Lex Arcana - An Empire without End is a roleplaying game whose unique setting merges history, mythology and legend. It is a world where Roman imperial legions clash with barbaric...
The Demiurge Screen is the essential game accessory for Lex Arcana - An Empire without End, a roleplaying game whose unique setting merges history of Ancient Rome with mythology and...
Mysteries of the Empire I is a collection of short adventures for Lex Arcana - An Empire without End. This adventure book offers a wide range of dangerous challenges, epic...
In Lex Arcana - An Empire without End you are a Custos (warden) of the Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana, sent by the Emperor to the four corners of the world to...
Aegyptus - The Sands of Time and Gold is the first official setting module for Lex Arcana – An Empire without End, describing the beautiful and mysterious Province of Aegyptus....