Description The long-awaited sequel to Scythe sends players on a new adventure into Siberia, where a massive meteorite crashed near the Tunguska River, awakening ancient corruption. An expedition led by...
Description EXPANSION FOR: EXPEDITIONS Face a corrupted mech with hero workers, new mechs, and hidden maps. Following a series of expeditions—some successful, others not—into the frigid Siberian tundra, corruption has...
Description The Story Following a series of expeditions—some successful, others not—into the frigid Siberian tundra, corruption has spread from animals and people to a much larger threat. New heroes, better...
Description It is a time of unrest in 1920s Europa. The ashes from the first great war still darken the snow. The capitalistic city-state known simply as "The Factory", which...
Description Scythe fans were invited to make a design for ONE encounter card using specific art. Jamey reviewed the submissions, selected his favorites (often mixing and matching various submissions), and...
Description While empires rise and fall in Eastern Europa, the rest of the world takes notice. Two distant factions, Albion and Togawa, send emissaries to scout the land and employ...
Description Metal Coins for use with Scythe. These 80 custom metal coins are designed specifically for Scythe by artist Jakub Rozalski. They include denominations of $1, $3, $5, $10, and...
Description Empires have risen and fallen in the aftermath of the Great War, and Europa stands on the precipice of a new era. The economy is robust, morale is high,...
Description Mankind has long been confined to travel by land and sea, but a new technology has emerged from the greatest minds in Eastern Europa: airships. These steam-driven behemoths sail...