Steeped in tales of legendary heroes, Barsaive lies at the heart of the Earthdawn universe. This set includes cards depicting many of the treasures and creatures found in Barsaive, a...
Blades is a campaign storyline for Earthdawn. The five linked adventures in this book lead the characters on a search for the Key Knowledges of the Blades of Cara Fahd....
Since the end of the Theran War, Barsaive has remained stable and at peace. But those peaceful days are ending, as events unfold that promise change and danger for Barsaive's...
Someone has stolen the old elf's memory, and you have few clues -- some coins, an amulet, and an old map that leads to a treacherous wasteland plagued by the...
HORROR-TAINTED... Deep in the isolated hinterlands of Barsaive, where strangers are met with fear and suspicion, lies a tiny, isolated village. When tales of strange powers possessed by one young...
"The amulet of finely wrought silver surely holds potent magics, but without the key to unlock its powers it's just another piece of pretty jewelry. One man can unravel the...
Forgotten By Time! From the famed ruins of Parlainth and the explorer's mecca of Haven come four tales to chill you to the bone, four adventures to challenge even the...
RETURN TO PARLAINTH The Circle Path Company, a Throalic Merchant House, did not survive the Battle of Prajjor's Field unscathed. Now it finds itself under inexperienced and reluctant leadership. When...
From the Theran-controlled city of Vivane and the military fortress of Sky Point come three tales of introgue, daring, and magical wonders to challenge even the bravest of heroes. Conflict...
In the southwest corner of Barsaive crouches the city of Vivane, the sinister Theran Empire's lone outpost in that ravaged land. Nearby, hundreds of feet up in the air atop...
The Serpent River sourcebook offers gamemasters and players an indepth look at the Serpent River and the people who live along its shores. This book includes detailed descriptions of the...
Earthdawn roleplaying game adventure. "From beneath the Nine Halls of Throal and the Kingdom's Inner Cities come three tales of adventure and mystery to challenge even the bravest and most...
UNEASY LIES THE HEAD THAT WEARS THE CROWN The kingdom of Throal is the heart of Barsaive, the center of culture, commerce and knowledge. The dwarfs united the people of...
JOURNEY TO UNCHARTED HORIZONS... Budding heroes trek to every corner of Barsaive, exploring what remains of their world in the wake of the life-destroying Scourge. As they search for fortune...