GURPS Horror, Fourth Edition, is the latest incarnation of one of the most popular GURPS supplements ever . . . and now it's been given a new lease on unnatural life by horror...
GURPS Low-Tech covers the basic tools used by historical adventurers from the Stone Age to the Age of Sail – and still used by modern survivalists and post-apocalypse survivors when the high-tech toys...
The best-selling works of Terry Pratchett chronicle events on the Discworld. The Discworld Roleplaying Game, Second Editiontakes things a step further, enabling gamers to dream up their own oddball cast...
Description GURPS Basic Set: Characters combines material from the Third Edition GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Compendium I, plus hundreds of new and updated rules! This 336-page, full-color hardcover contains...
Description This new hardcover printing of GURPS Basic Set is enhanced with slightly heavier paper and a smyth-sewn binding, which makes it last longer and lay flat when opened. With...