Featuring more than 150 creatures and characters, The Strange Bestiary is lavishly illustrated and wildly imaginative. Find creatures encountered on Earth along with those native to the recursions of Ardeyn, Ruk, Crow...
Witch covens battle in the mammoth city of Halloween. Nazis struggle to master mythological relics in the Eleventh Reich. T. rexes hunt hominids on the tropical island of Mesozoica, while...
What’s the hardest part of running a roleplaying game? It has to be the preparation. You can’t just spontaneously say, “Let’s play a roleplaying game” unless someone’s already spent hours...
Create characters, explore the setting, and learn how to play—or just have a handy second set of rules at the gaming table—with this inexpensive player’s alternative to the The Strange corebook. It’s...
A mundane-seeming crime masks a sinister plot—and sends characters racing across a dozen realities in a bid to save the Earth! Spiral dust is an incredible high. Wonderful. Transcendent. Orgasmic....
The Strange Cypher Deck, XP Deck, and Creature Deck are terrific game aids that make it easy to randomly determine and track transient items. The Strange Cypher Chest brings them...