Descriprion Warhammer 40k Paints + Tools Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with...
Description Infernus Marines are close assault specialists, sending jets of burning promethium into enemy trench lines and bunkers with their pyreblasters, ensuring no foe escapes their fiery wrath.This box is...
Description Termagants are scuttling predators that attack in huge swarms, spitting living ammunition from their symbiotic weapons. Ripper Swarms squirm alongside them as living carpets of teeth and flesh, devouring...
Description The Skaven are vile ratmen who seek power at any cost. To them, civilisation is a mere obstacle to be overcome, trampled into the dirt and looted. The Skaven...
This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Stormcast Eternals. You’ll get two plastic Vindictors with distinct poses, the paints you need to prepare them for battle,...
Description Shade paints are formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow. These paints flow into the recesses of your models, leaving very little pigment on raised areas....
Descriprio Base paints are the foundation of most painting projects. The high pigment count of these paints means they provide excellent coverage with strong, solid coats, giving you a canvas...
Descriprio Layer paints have a lighter pigment count than Base paints, meaning they can be applied in multiple layers to help bring out extra detail and brightness on your miniatures....
Descriprion Contrast is a revolutionary paint that makes beautiful painting simple and fast. When applied heavily over a light undercoat like White Scar, Wraithbone or Grey Seer, these uniquely formulated...
This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Stormcast Eternals. You’ll get two plastic Vindictors with distinct poses, the paints you need to prepare them for battle,...