Description The Tales From the Lone-Lands expansion consists of a “beautifully illustrated hardback compendium” featuring six brand-new adventures set in the lone-lands of north-western Middle-earth. The adventures, which can be...
The One Ring™ Starter Set contains all you need to take your first step into Middle-earth and experience the adventures Hobbits get up to. Three volumes containing The Rules, The...
A deluxe Loremaster’s screen in landscape format for the second edition of The One Ring™ roleplaying game. Featuring a host of useful tables and important information on the inside, and...
Enter the world of Middle-earth with The One Ring™, the official tabletop roleplaying game based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Designed specifically to evoke the atmosphere of The Hobbit™...
Rivendell! This setting supplement will take your One Ring adventures West across the Misty Mountains to the Last Homely House, expanding play into eastern Eriador, covering not only Rivendell itself,...
An alternate set of custom engraved dice, created especially for the Loremaster to use. The set will feature two Feat Dice and six Success Dice in a different color.
South along the Anduin, beyond the southernmost tips of the Misty Mountains, lies the land of Rohan. It is here that the Rohirrim dwell, proud warriors and riders who are...