DescriptionBattle Rabbits is the most recent series by Amemiya Yuki and Ichihara Yukino, the creative team behind the popular manga series, 07-Ghost. Kokuryuu Kaguya was only a little boy when...
DescriptionBattle Rabbits is the most recent series by Amemiya Yuki and Ichihara Yukino, the creative team behind the popular manga series, 07-Ghost. Kokuryuu Kaguya was only a little boy when...
DescriptionProduct Details ISBN: 9781626923812 Author: Amemiya Yuki Format: Paperback Language: English Number of Pages: 180 Published: 10 January 2017 Publisher: Seven Seas Entertainment Country of Publication: US Dimensions (mm): 180...
DescriptionFrom the same team that created the hit manga series, 07-Ghost! Kokuryuu Kaguya was only a little boy when he witnessed his father murdered by a group of demons. Kaguya...