DescriptionThe critically acclaimed shoujo manga about the drama of all-women musical theater! (And don't miss the anime adaptation!) Watanabe Sarasa has always dreamed of being an otokoyaku, an actress who...
DescriptionThe ongoing tale that began with the omnibus release of Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises. Follow the drama on and off the stage with the girls at the Kouka School...
DescriptionSTAR-CROSSED LOVERSSarasa is taking a trip back home to Asakusa, and her stoic roommate/brand new BFF Ai-chan is coming with her! When the girls arrive, waiting for them is Akiya,...
DescriptionALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND SPORTS!The Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts might not be your average school, but it still has a sports festival! Sarasa and the other...
DescriptionThe ongoing tale that began with the omnibus release of Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises. Follow the drama on and off the stage with the girls at the Kouka School...