DescriptionDevils and Realist is an all-new supernatural manga series that pits a young, suave nobleman against Hell's princely demons. FACE YOUR DEMONS! After the failure of his uncle's business, the...
DescriptionProduct Details ISBN: 9781626922945 Author: Madoka Takadono Format: Paperback Language: English Number of Pages: 192 Published: 9 August 2016 Publisher: Seven Seas Entertainment Country of Publication: US Dimensions (mm): 0...
DescriptionDevils and Realist is a shojo supernatural manga series that pits a young, suave nobleman against Hell's princely demons. William Twining has it all-a sharp intelligence, dashing good looks, and...
DescriptionDevils and Realist is an ongoing supernatural manga series that pits a young, suave nobleman against Hell's princely demons. William Twining has it all-a sharp intelligence, dashing good looks, and...
DescriptionTHE TRUTH COMES OUT! One cold winter's night, Dantalion appears and tells the tale of his own past-thus sparking Solomon's true self to life! In the blink of an eye,...
DescriptionWAR OF THE WORLDS Heaven, Hell, and Earth are on the verge of war, the Four Horsemen are riding their deadly steeds, and the root of all evil is seeking...
DescriptionI WILL SAVE YOU...ALL OF YOU. William has descended into Hell! The truth about Lucifer will soon be revealed-as will the fate of William and all his friends. The hour...
DescriptionI WILL ANNIHILATE THE HUMANS AND THE DEMONS. As the vessel for Solomon's soul, William has the task of choosing who will be representative king while Lucifer, the emperor of...
DescriptionAND YOU ARE...? When William Twining puts on a ring that's an old family heirloom, he regains Solomon's consciousness. His ancestral memories are restored, with one strange exception-he has no...
DescriptionEVERYTHING COMES DOWN TO THE WAR OF THE ROSES. William undergoes special training in magic under the instruction of Mathers. At the same time, the War of the Roses begins...
DescriptionYOUR LIFE BELONGS TO ME. As the War of the Roses begins, Stradford upperclassmen hope to acquire personal servants known as fags to raise their standing in battle. Naturally, the...
DescriptionDevils and Realist is an ongoing supernatural manga series that pits a young, suave nobleman against Hell's princely demons. YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE. Torn by his feelings...