DescriptionThe animated worlds of the current TMNT Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series! Villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham and Batman seeks to track...
DescriptionA new era of all-out Avengers action continues in these young reader friendly graphic novels!Heroes and villains alike prepare for an incoming threat from the cosmos! Will someone from Black...
DescriptionA new era of all-out Avengers action begins!A new team is formed to battle a mega-sized threat that is weirder and wilder than any the superheroes have met before! The...
DescriptionA new era of all-out Avengers action continues in these young reader friendly graphic novels!Magic and mayhem collide for more mighty Marvel action in this new adventure featuring Earth's Mightiest...
DescriptionA new era of all-out Avengers action continues in these middle-grade-friendly graphic novels!The first year of Marvel Action: Avengers comes to a thrilling conclusion! The Avengers begin their final attack...
DescriptionThe Turtles are back in an all-new animated series from Nickelodeon: new characters, new attitude, and a new age of mutant madness begins here.The TMNT are in a bitter fight...
DescriptionThe Turtles are back in an all-new animated series from Nickelodeon: new characters, new attitude, and a new age of mutant madness begins here.Join Leo, the self-proclaimed coolest brother; Donnie,...