DescriptionA hilarious school-life comedy!About the AuthorNanatsuki Takafumi is a Japanese manga-ka best known as the author of Shomin Sample: I Was Abducted by an Elite All-Girls School as a Sample...
DescriptionCHILDHOOD FRENEMIES Kimito's old friend Eri has unexpectedly appeared on campus, and she couldn't be a bigger contrast to the pampered aristocrats he's been spending so much time with lately....
DescriptionSOCIALITE MEDIA It's Kimito's duty as the Sample Commoner to introduce elements of his world to the highborn young ladies at Seikain Academy, and when he exposes them to the...
DescriptionMEMORIES AND RIVALRIES Slowly, Kimito's memories of his past with Kujo-san start to return. Memories of being a fourth grader, of being a member of the Kagurazaka family, and of...
DescriptionIS THIS MY REAL LIFE? What really happened to Kimito in the winter of fourth grade? Under the watchful eyes of Club Commoner and Kujo-san, his long-forgotten memories finally return....
DescriptionGOING FOR BROKE Seikain Girls' Academy has received word that Aika's family, the Tenkubashi, have gone bankrupt. Now, Aika must go live with Kimito at his commoner home. How will...
DescriptionEVERYTHING CHANGES After Aika's family, the Tenkubashi, went bankrupt, Aika was forced to leave school and go live at Kimito's house. Under one roof, Kimito and Aika spend more together...
DescriptionAbout the AuthorNanatsuki Takafumi is a Japanese manga-ka best known as the author of Shomin Sample: I Was Abducted by an Elite All-Girls School as a Sample Commoner. Risumai is...
DescriptionShomin Sample: I Was Abducted by an Elite All-Girls School as a Sample Commoner is a harem comedy about a young man kidnapped to provide common-world experience to a school...
DescriptionA hilarious school-life comedy with a hit anime series! Shomin Sample: I Was Abducted by an Elite All-Girls School as a Sample Commoner is a currently ongoing series about a...
DescriptionDOWN THE RABBIT HOLE Karen has always been a bit different--aloof and isolated, a descendant of samurai, yet with a secret desire to be popular. She and her friend Aika...