DescriptionA supernatural suspense story high above the streets from the creator of Ajin! On the roof of a high-rise building, a young girl named Yuri witnesses a masked figure split...
DescriptionTHE BATTLE CLOSES IN! Has the Honjo siblings' luck run out at last?About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin and High-Rise Invasion. Takahiro...
DescriptionTHE PATH TO GODHOOD IS FRAUGHT WITH MONSTERS... And one of them holds Yuri's brother hostage!About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin and...
DescriptionWHEN SIBLINGS CLASH, THE WHOLE WORLD TREMBLES. On this violent battlefield, only the strong survive!About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin and High-Rise...
DescriptionTHE EPIC SHOWDOWN BETWEEN RIKA AND SNIPER... Is about to begin!About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin and High-Rise Invasion. Takahiro Oba is...
DescriptionYURI FACES OFF AGAINST THE ADMINISTRATOR AT LAST!Does she have what it takes to end this world?!About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin...
DescriptionBROTHER AND SISTER FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVES! Who is the God of this world?About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin and High-Rise Invasion....
DescriptionSURVIVE THE SLAUGHTER, AND CLAIM THE GREATEST REWARD! But watch your step-it's a long way down!About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known for his series Ajin and...
DescriptionIN A WORLD OF TOWERS AND KILLERS, THE PATH TO GODHOOD AWAITS. Can Yuri survive long enough to claim the prize...?About the AuthorTsuina Miura is a Japanese author best known...
DescriptionIN THIS BLOOD-SOAKED WORLD, ONLY ONE SURVIVOR CAN BECOME A PERFECT GOD. One man will kill anyone for that prize! Can the Honjos stop him in time?About the AuthorTsuina Miura...