DescriptionStand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task-force...
DescriptionGhost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex takes place in the year 2030, in the fictional Japanese city of New Port. The story follows the members of Public Security Section...
DescriptionIDENTIFYING THE ENIGMATIC HEROIn this volume of Ghost in the Shell, Marcelo Jarty, the hero of a democratic revolution, and South American drug dealer, has been coming to Japan periodically...
DescriptionTHE POWER OF MISDIRECTIONSection 9 receives a tip that a criminal group from Henan is planning on attacking a financial instutution. To prevent the attack, Section 9 infultrates the secret...
DescriptionA cyborg action manga set far in the future based on the seminal classic manga, The Ghost in the Shell The Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex originally aired...