Following the tragic death of one of their own, Batman's team of vigilantes falls apart! With his squad completely shattered, Batman must confront Red Robin about the future of their partnership...if there even is one in Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 7: Batman Eternal.
Following her deadly actions in their last adventure, Batwoman faces scrutiny from Batman and Red Robin, but stands up for her actions. Will Batman allow her to continue bearing his symbol after everything she has done? And will the fallout put these cousins--Bruce Wayne and Kate Kane--at irreconcilable odds with each other?
From writer James Tynion IV (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and a spectacular art team including Alvaro Martinez (Batman Eternal) comes the newest volume of Detective Comics! Collects Detective Comics #975-981.
James Tynion IV started in the comics business assisting Scott Snyder in writing backup stories for Snyder's groundbreaking Batman series. Tynion soon began writing Talon, a series that spun out of the hugely popular Batman: The Court of Owls storyline. He has also written Constantine: The Hellblazer and Red Hood and The Outlaws and is currently at the helm of Batman:Detective Comics.
ISBN: 9781400000000
Author: James Tynion IV
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 176
Published: 11 September 2018
Publisher: DC
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (mm): 256 x 168 x 11
Weight (kg): 0.318