The name on the memory stone. Inspired by The Witcher franchise, this dice set is dedicated to Triss Merigold of Maribor — the sorceress presumed as fallen in Battle of Sodden...
Description Wisdom and experience. Inspired by The Witcher franchise, this dice set is dedicated to Vesemir — who understood that both knowledge and swords are equally important. The set contains 7...
Due to the cooperation with CD PROJEKT RED this year, Q Workshop will release dice sets dedicated to the most iconic characters from The Witcher universe. Moreover, they will not...
Due to the cooperation with CD PROJEKT RED this year, Q Workshop will release dice sets dedicated to the most iconic characters from The Witcher universe. Moreover, they will not...
Due to the cooperation with CD PROJEKT RED this year, Q Workshop will release dice sets dedicated to the most iconic characters from The Witcher universe. Moreover, they will not...