Explore the world of Elder Scrolls, as the Dhovakin faces the undead keepers of forgotten tombs and ruins. The DRAGONBORN delves into ancient Nord barrows and caves, equipped with her...
Tombs across Tamriel are filled with the remnants of the distant past. Low-level magic keeps braziers lit and torches burning, but in the land of Skyrim the flickering light illuminates...
Skyrim is for the Nords! Let word of your deeds pass into legend through the words of GONNAR OATH-GIVER. The ferocity of THORYGG SUN-KILLER inspires your Stormcloak soldiers to cut down their enemies....
Found throughout Skyrim, the FROSTBITE SPIDER is an ever present threat, from the snowy tundra to the deep forest, from caves to dungeons and all lands between, Frostbite spiders spin...
Tireless guardians of a lost empire, following the orders of their long vanished masters, the DWEMER SPIDERS AND SPHERES still prowl the ruins of the ancient Dwemer. The DWEMER SPIDERS...
Description Only the strongest foes can stand against the blistering steam and crushing maul of the DWEMER CENTURION, and supporting the Centurion are two of the cunningly crafted DWEMER BALLISTAS,...
Civil War is the first Chapter Expansion for Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. It includes cards for Imperial and Stormcloak soldiers, plus additional adventurers and Adversaries such as Draugr and...
It is the time of the Dragonborn. Battle rages across the forests, plains and mountains of Skyrim as Imperials and Stormcloaks fight for supremacy. In ancient barrows, the restless dead...
Delvers into the deep places of Skyrim require a particular set of skills - not all of which come from strictly ‘legal’ experience. The DRAGONBORN NIGHTINGALE walks invisibly with the...