Description Deuslair is a land rife with conflict, where factions like the Magic Smiths of Dragsa and the Jannah of Kartagis vie for control. In this harsh world, trust lies...
Description The creatures of Deuslair have many strategies for how to outsmart their prey - whether it be through shapeshifting or hiding in the shadows. Simple brute force may not...
Description Delve into the mysterious depths of the forest, where an unseen world teems with life. Amidst the ancient trees and murky waters, many creatures lie hidden, revealing themselves only...
Description An abomination created by combining the most fierce and dangerous aspects of a Wolf and a Dragon. Its sharp claws and teeth tear through even the strongest of armor,...
Description Van Kler Observational Log #547The Banewoods are full of fantastic creatures, but my recent adventures have taken me to places I haven't seen mentioned in any books that I've...
Description Immerse yourself in a mystical world that perfectly captures the atmosphere of bygone eras. The ruins you encountered have lasted for centuries, witnessing more than a few events that...
Description The denizens of the forest aren't known for their hospitality, or perhaps they simply don't know how to welcome others properly. The Demonic Tree is frequently underestimated because of...
Description Even as her territories and cities are besieged by the Orgoth Sea Raiders, the Motherland continues to make great strides in technological advancement and wartime production. As greater numbers...
Description GREYGORE BOOMHOWLER Greygore Boomhowler is a veteran trollkin mercenary of countless wars. A fellcaller like his sister, Admiral Thorga Boomhowler of the Brineblood Marauders, Greygore is skilled at using...
Description NISSAK, TOTEM HUNTRESS CHAMPION Hailing from the fabled lands of Zu, Nissak made her way to western Immoren as a stowaway aboard a merchant steamer. She had come to...
Description Crashing ashore from the high seas, the Brineblood Marauders have arrived on the sandy shores in search of plunder, fortune, and glory… and a raucous good time, to boot!...
Description He is the Storm of Fire. Once, he was a complicated man who fought for what he believed in. Fallen in battle, his mortal remains were claimed by a...
Description Khador is a land of hard and unforgiving winters, and a proud people to match. Descend upon your foes with the fury of a winter storm, and leave destruction...
Description Maulgreth, the Charnel Plague Mercenary Solo Works for the Dusk House Kallyss and Orgoth Sea Raiders armies His name was lost to memory during the Orgoth Scourge at the...
Description Take to the field as one of the most advanced armies in the Iron Kingdoms, and smite your foes with the unmatched power of thunder and lightning! The Battlegroup...
Description MADAME MORIARTY Madam Moriarty is a powerful gatorman bokor and spirit weaver. Once a rival of Barnabas and the Blindwater Congregation, she was forced from the traditional territories of...
Description The Brineblood Marauders hound the coast of Immoren, as merciless as they are merry and reaving riches and revenge in equal parts, their due for the injustices nations of...
Description As war ravages the Iron Kingdoms, the Brineblood Marauders prowl the waters in search of their next prize, their crews organised into a mighty and varied fleet in the...
Description Strike first and strike fast with the most potent and heaviest armoured forces that Cygnar can bring to bear. Ride the lightning as your forces become the vanguard of...
Description Emerging from the darkness to establish an empire and secure a future in a dangerous world, the first splinters of the Shadowflame Shard are scouts and infiltrators, possessed of...
Description Those who have existed within the shadows step forth once more, irrevocably changed by the death of their civilisation, and in search only of salvation from their tragic and...
Description As war once again descends upon the Iron Kingdoms, Khador’s great army is on the move. March forth in the name of the Motherland, and punish all enemies that...
Description In thrall of an infernal and insatiable hunger for souls, the Orgoth armies march forth – not for personal glory or material gain, but in search of the immortal...
Description The most terrible and fear-inspiring Orgoth assaults are not the surgical strikes made by the reavers, but the brutal charges from their inhuman shock troops, the bestial Ulkor and...
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting. The...
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting. The...
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting. The...
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting. The...
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting. The...
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting....
Description Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures, primed and ready to paint out of the box. These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting....
Description Bring Khador’s elite units and deadly battle magic to the conflict, wreathing your foes in bitter frost from magical blizzards, and then strike them down in a hail of...