The multi-talented Don Oriolo has brought us Felix The Cat's adventures through movies, television, comic books, merchandising, and song. The wonderful book Felix The Cat Paintings collects art by Don Oriolo - paintings that are colorful, imaginative, and a fitting tribute to his muse, the World's Most Famous Cat, Felix!
Featuring a Foreword by Craig Yoe, with essays from cartoon aficionados Jerry Beck, Mark Evanier, David Gerstein, and Paul Castiglia. What Fun!
Vicemagazine has calledCriag Yoethe Indiana Jones of comics historians.Publisher Weeklysays he's the archivist of the ridiculous and the sublime and calls his work brilliant.The Onioncalls him the celebrated designer,The Library Journal, a comics guru. BoingBoing hails him a fine cartoonist and a comig book historian of the first water. Yoe was Creative Director/Vice President/ General Manager of Jim Henson's Muppets, and a Creative Director at Nickelodeon and Disney. Craig has won an Eisner Award and the Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators.
ISBN: 9781613778395
Author: David Gerstein
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number of Pages: 168
Published: 1 April 2017
Publisher: IDW
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (mm): 221 x 222 x 18
Weight (kg): 0.822