The series stars an endearing young private-eye-in-training who solves crimes as he scoots around Paris on his trusty motorized bicycle. Given his general clumsiness, he seems more Will Ferrell than Humphrey Bogart. Translated in English for the first time.Wearing an old trenchcoat and his indispensable felt hat, the 20-year-old Jérôme tries to look the part of a seasoned sleuth. By day he translates detective novels and fantasizes about being one. By night he?s enrolled in Professor Maison?s correspondence course for would-be private eyes. His girlfriend, Babette, is a flight attendant who brings him recordings for his collection of police sirens from around the world. And then, his first case: In the past two months, fifteen people in Paris have been killed by poisoned darts. All that witnesses saw was a feathered shadow and a blowgun. The job of capturing the flamboyant assassin is entrusted to Jérôme by Professor Maison. Things get off to a rocky start, however, when the professor appears to be victim number sixteen!
Alain Dodier was born in Dunkirk, France, in 1955 and has no memory of a time without comics. His first comics appeared in fanzines in 1973 and it was his association with Pierre Makyo that led to two series: the humorous Gully and, in 1982, the more realistic Jérôme K. Jérôme Bloche. After a few stories, Dodier became he sole author of the series.
ISBN: 9781631409028
Author: Alain Dodier
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number of Pages: 56
Published: 26 September 2017
Publisher: IDW
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (mm): 285 x 220 x 9
Weight (kg): 0.472