The Los Angeles Times proclaims The Onion's editorial cartoonist, Stan Kelly, A maniac whose ideas frequently make no sense at all! But what do you expect from the Lame-stream Media? What truly makes no sense at all is that there has never been a published collection of Kelly's work - until now! Easily our era's top opinion-maker, Kelly influences everyone from world leaders to water cooler layabouts. Sticking it to the sickos and giving props to the patriotic, Kelly's super-award-winning cartoons tell it like it is and frame today's crucial issues in context so you don't have to. This lavish, soft-cover 50th Anniversary Collection, compiled by acolyte Ward Sutton and loaded with bonus extras, presents the best of Kelly in his signature, eye-popping black and white. It's a trip every Kellyhead has been dying to take!
ISBN: 9781631406843
Author: Ward Sutton
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 200
Published: 1 April 2017
Publisher: IDW
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (mm): 177 x 220 x 20
Weight (kg): 0.586