A charming slice-of-life manga about a girl and the strange creature in her home. Shirahoshi Kuroe is a college student who's tired of living in black and white-then an adorably strange creature brings all the colors of the rainbow into her life. Kuroe must learn what exactly this strange creature is as it upends her monochrome existence.
Eri Takenashi is a prolific Japanese artist best known for the manga (and anime) Kannagi, Kanpachi, Take-Moon/Carnival Phantasm, and Rainbow and Black.
ISBN: 9781645058403
Author: Eri Takenashi
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 180
Published: 10 November 2020
Publisher: Seven Seas Entertainment
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (mm): 208 x 150 x 16
Weight (kg): 0.244