Blue Box manga volume 2 features story and art by Kouji Miura. Taiki’s new doubles partner puts him on an intense training regimen that makes his dream of reaching nationals...
Blue Box manga volume 3 features story and art by Kouji Miura. At long last, the prefectural qualifiers for nationals begin! After his intense training with Haryu, Taiki will finally...
Blue Box manga volume 4 features story and art by Kouji Miura. After Taiki pushes himself too hard, Chinatsu nurses him back to health. Even though he never knows the...
Blue Box manga volume 5 features story and art by Kouji Miura. Coming to the fireworks festival with Hina has Taiki’s emotions swirling, and that’s before he bumps into a...
Blue Box manga volume 6 features story and art by Kouji Miura. As summer draws to an end, Taiki realizes he may never be able to close the gap between...
Blue Box manga volume 7 features story and art by Kouji Miura. Taiki participates in a practice match against Sajikawa High School and faces off against Yusa, the rising star...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...
Description Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real...