Description Team Sirius was conceived as a special K-9 team with synchronized robotic units. As the mythological hound they are named after, once this detective squad scents prey, they never...
Description Wreckers owe their name to the fact that they’re the wrecking balls of the Torchlight Brigade. As a smaller organization unable to deploy large numbers of troops, Torchlight needs...
Description Armies: O-12 / Starmada / Torchlight Brigade For all those deserving of their wrath—criminals, crooks, or wrongdoers—those attacks were the work of a truly unstoppable demon. But for upright,...
Description Armies: O-12/ Starmada/ Torchlight Brigade/Military Orders/ Kosmoflot/ Corregidor Being a law enforcement agency, SWORDFORknows that the key to maintaining order and ensuring the protection of citizensand innocents is vigilance....
Description Armies: O-12 / Torchlight Brigade The Torchlight Brigade was a dormant project fed with reserved funds. Its members were secretly recruited among the best troops of Bureau Aegis and...
Description Enhance your game experience with all the elements and objectives that you may need in your ITS mission games.This box contains 18 injected thermoplastic elements: 4 Consoles, 3 Objectives,...
Description Armies: PanOceania / Acontecimento / Military Orders / Neoterra / Varuna / Winter Force / Druze Bayram Security / White Company Armbot is the name of the PanOceanian Military Complex’s...
Description Dronbot is an acronym for Drone Robot. These semiautonomous, auxiliary robot units can be highly optimized for a variety of tasks. This box includes two miniatures: two Dronbot Remotes...
Description This blister includes one miniature: a Echo-Bravo with a Light Rocket Launcher. Thanks to his Airborne Infiltration Special Skill, he will spread the chaos among the enemy lines. An...
Description Armies: PanOceania / Military OrdersFather-Inquisitor Mendoza, the crusader of the Faith, the flame of the Lord punishing with His fire the wicked and the damned; the terror of those...
Description Army - PanOceania The Hexa of PanOceania are the invisible marksmen of the number one power in the Human Sphere. This model is equipped with thermo-optical camouflage to execute the...
Description Armies: PanOceania/ Svalarheima WinterFor/ White CompanyThe Karhu lead the PanOceanian offensives in arctic territories, conducting assault operations against the enemy. To the eyes of their adversaries, the Karhu seems...
Description Armies: PanOceanía /Military Orders Knights of Montesa are famous for playing hard; they are stubborn, powerful, and valiant. The most courageous in battle and the first into danger. As...
Description This box includes four miniatures: one Hospitaller with HMG, one Hospitaller with Boarding Shotgun, one Hospitaller with MULTI Rifle, and one Hospitaller with Combi Rifle (Doctor). This box is...
Description The Hospital is the most powerful and influential Religious Military Order in PanOceania. Crusaders for faith and country, they are aware that their mission is to always be ready...
Description ARMY: PanOceania / Military OrdersKnights of Montesa are famous for playing hard; they are stubborn, powerful, and valiant. The most courageous in battle and the first into danger. As...
Description Armies: PanOceania / MilitaryOrders The Military Orders, religious groups of military character, were a phenomenon of the Middle Ages that, surprisingly, has resurfaced in the Human Sphere with a force...
Description Army - PanOceania The Human Sphere is not managed from Concilium. The fate of the Human Sphere is decided in Neoterra, particularly at the top of the mega-corporations’ skyscrapers, where...
Description The Nøkken are the hit-and-run unit of the Svalarheima WinterFor, with a modus operandi based on surprise, striking where they are not expected and quickly vanishing into the snow....
Description This box includes four miniatures. One ORC Troop with HMG, one ORC Troop Boarding Shotgun, One ORC Troop Hacker and one TinBot. With this box you will bring a...
Description Reinf. Squalos Mk-II Heavy Lancers regiments are hyper-sophisticated units, the epitome of PanOceania’s technological superiority. As they are used to working as a team and supporting each other in...
Description Reinforcements: PanOceania Pack Beta If there is a synonym for cavalry in the Human Sphere today, that’s unquestionably the Neoterran Support Force. Its official name may not ring a...
Description Eagerly awaited by many players, this is the TAG of the PanOceanian armored knights. The Seraphs lead the vanguard of any Military Order assault force, discharging the wrath of...
Description Armies: PanOceania / Military Orders / Shock Army of Acontecimento The tactical role of this TAG is perfectly matched by their weaponry: a general-purpose heavy machine gun with a...
Description This Starter Pack is the best choice to start collecting, providing the core units of any army list: three Securitate with Combi Rifles, the standard infantry; a Kriza Borac,...
Description Armies: PanOceania / WinterFor The Vargar have accumulated the most victories in the annual competitions between the different spec-op units of the PanOceanian Military Complex. Evil tongues speak of...
Description This Starter Pack is the best choice to start collecting, providing the core units of any army list: One Kamau with Combi Rifle, one Kamau with MULTI Sniper Rifle,...