Description MG 1/100 GUNDAM BARBATOS From "Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans," arrives the fourth form of the main Gundam, Barbatos, as an MG! The internal mechanisms such as the...
Description 1/100 MG GUNDAM EXIAThis is a posable, Master-Grade injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe.Bandai's MG "Gundam 00" snap-fit plastic kit lineup begins with the release of...
Description The powerfully built Gundam Virtue, piloted by Tieria Erde in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00," gets a spectacular new Master Grade model kit from Bandai! The Virtue's external armor can...
Description From the TV series "Gundam Seed", the Justice Gundam has finally been made into a Master Grade kit! Justice Gundam's multipurpose sub lifter with movable beam cannons and machine...
Description Gundam MG 1/100 MS-18E Kampfer Model KitThe fearsome Kampfer from Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket contains a massive weapons arsenal including shotguns, bazookas, chain mines, sturmfausts, and beam...
Description The Providence Gundam, the god who bears the noise of thunder on his back, has now launched in the MG line-up! The Providence Gundam shares its genealogy with the...
Description Gundam MG 1/100 YMS-15 Gyan Featuring the version 2.0 frame designed by Bandai, the kit also comes with a gimmicky beam sabre that will light up with an LED...
Description MG 1/100 MOBILE GINN Cosmic Era's mass-produced Mobile Ginn from "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed' is now available as an MG model kit from Bandai! It features the MG series'...
Description The Gundam Fenice Rinascita is finally here! Molded in green, red, black, gray, two shades of clear pink, clear green and pale tan, this snapfit kit needs no painting...
Description More than just a color variation of the MG Strike Noir Gundam, this Master Grade kit of Lukas O'Donnell's Strike E comes with its I.W.S.P. (Integrated Weapons Striker Pack) unit...
Description Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Master Grade Ver.Ka with this 1/100 scale Zeta Gundam Ver.Ka model kit from Mobile Suit Z Gundam. Based on the illustrations by Kazumi...
Description MG 1/100 ZAKU HIGH MOBILITY TYPE "PSYCHO ZAKU" Ver.Ka [GUNDAM THUNDERBOLT] This item is a posable, Master-Grade injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe. The High Mobility...
Description The Build Strike Exceed Galaxy from the upcoming "Gundam Build Series" 10th anniversary video "Gundam Build Metaverse" joins the "Entry Grade" model kit lineup from Bandai! The parts are...
Description The Lah Gundam, will be joining the Entry Grade series to celebrate the Gundam Build Metaverse! The Lah Gundam is equipped with a javelin type weapon that can be...
Description The Entry Grade of the Nu Gundam is finally here! It possesses a wide range of articulation, so after a simple assembly, you'll be able to create your very...
Description HG 1/144 TRANSIENT GUNDAM GLACIER Transient Gundam was one of the most popular Build Fighters Try designs, so it only makes sense that it's getting another variant! The Transient...
Description HG 1/144 GUNDAM GUNCANNON (CUCURUZ DOAN'S ISLAND VER.) - G5065315 The Guncannon from "Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuru Doan's Island" is now an amazing HG model kit from Bandai! The...
Description HG 1/144 GUNDAM BARBATOS LUPUS REX The ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex is the main MS featured in the second half of Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Season 2. It is...
Description HG 1/144 Duel Blitz Gundam The Duel Blitz Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom" gets a new "HG" (High Grade) model kit from Bandai! Yzak Joule's ride is...
Description HG GUNDAM SEED - GAIA SEED Sharp, high-grade snap-together kit of the Gaia Gundam is molded all in colour, so no glue or paint are required! The finished model...
Description HG 1/144 00 Command QAN[T] Desert Type The Gundam 00 Command Quan[T] desert type, as seen in the "Gundam Build" 10th anniversary video "Gundam Build Metaverse," gets a new...
Description HG 1/144 Amazing Barbatos Lupus The Gundam Amazing Barbatos Lupus, as seen in the "Gundam Build" 10th anniversary video "Gundam Build Metaverse," gets a new 1/144-scale HG (High Grade)...
Description HGBF BUILD STRIKE GUNDAM FLIGHT FULL PACKAGE This is the main Gundam of the new GunPla Build Fighters series which is focused around Gundam Models. Similar in appearance to the...
Description RG 1/144 DESTINY GUNDAMDestiny Gundam is getting the treatment! Featuring more accessories and poseability  With effect parts for the shield and sword as well as interchangeable hands for just...
Description 1/144 RGÂ Epyon Gundam The mighty Gundam Epyon from "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" gets a completely new Real Grade (RG) model kit from Bandai! It's equipped with a new gimmick...
Description 1/144 RG Z'Gok Char Custom This 1/144-scale Real Grade kit of Char's custom version of the fast and agile Z'gok features full possibility thanks to its internal "skeleton." Parts...
Description RG 1/144 Hi-NU GUNDAM From the manga Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack - Beltorchika's Children, this Hi-ν Gundam model comes in 1/144 scale and features loads of accessories to...
Description 1/144 RG Zeta Gundam The 10th release of Bandai's Real Grade line is the Zeta Gundam. In the larger scale MG and PG kit, the Zeta transforms into its...
Description 30MM 1/144 eEXM-17 ALTO(GROUND TYPE)[BROWN]The 30 Minute Missions series continues with the eEXM-17 Alto Ground Type in brown! This Alto Ground Type kit can convert into tank form and...
Description Bandai 1/144 HG Shenlong Gundam Chang Wufei's Shenlong Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" gets a new HGAC model kit from Bandai! A movable shaft inside the chest unit...
Description RG 1/144 Aile Strike GundamBased on the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED anime, the Aile Strike Gundam model kit is in 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once...
Description Sazabi, one of the most iconic custom made mobile suits of all time. This was one of the most anticipated releases in 2018 and it didn't disappoint! Experience the...