The fantastical two-volume light novel series that blends combat and reincarnation drama! When the monstrous Jave attacked, mankind's strongest warrior died defending humanity-and was reincarnated as a baby. Now, thirteen years later, the Jave have returned! Enrolling in an academy that trains people to use the magic-powered battlesuits known as Division Maneuver, Okegawa Kuon can only operate Division 1, the weakest-until the opportunity to pilot a special, one-of-a-kind suit appears, one that can be activated even with rock-bottom levels of magical power!
Shippo Senoo is a Japanese author known for light novels such as Division Maneuver and Using My God Skill Breathing to Level Up, I Will Challenge the Dungeon of the Gods. Nidy-2D- is a Japanese artist known for illustrating light novels such as Division Maneuver and Itsuki no Sensou.
ISBN: 9781642750584
Author: Shippo Senoo
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 240
Published: 4 June 2019
Publisher: Seven Seas Entertainment
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (mm): 209 x 150 x 20
Weight (kg): 0.284