Description House Kallyss have departed their Iosan courts and returned to the lands of the Iron Kingdoms once more, in search of redemption for their doomed people, the tragic soulless...
Description Veterans of countless wars, Cygnar’s armies have become one of the most elite fighting forces in the Iron Kingdoms, harnessing the power of the elements alongside tactical brilliance to...
Description The Cryx Necrofactorium is an army of terrifying undead powered by necromantic magic, lead by several lich lords in service of their dark god, Lord Toruk, the Dragonfather. The...
Description BELLIGHUL, MASTER OF PAIN Left behind in the wake of the defeat of the Skorne by the combined forces of Ios, Bellighul barters his gruesome skills across the wastes....
Description ZACCHAEUS, WINTER'S CHILL A fearsome rider on the winter’s wind, Zacchaeus and his great snow hare have terrified wayward children in the far north for generations immemorial. It is...
Description From the ashes of the Iosan empire has risen the Kingdom of Eternal Dusk, their deathly armies sweeping across the land like a dark and foreboding shadow. The Battlegroup...
Description Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik Mercenary Solo Works for the Khador Winter Korps and Orgoth Sea Raiders armies Having fled Korsk at the height of Ayn Vanar’s purge of the...
Description Celebrating 20 years of miniatures combat in the Iron Kingdoms... MAGNUS THE UNSTOPPABLE & INVICTUS A patriot, a traitor, a warlord — what Magnus has proven in all his...
Description Led by Morayne, the Blade of Twilight, the Ghosts of Ios are a ragtag band of refugee mage hunters who have devoted themselves to the protection of all living...
Description Cryx discerptors are tasked with scavenging ruins and battlefields across Immoren, hunting for technologies that can be assimilated in the Necrofactorium's arsenal. Discerptor Eviscerus happens to be one of...