Description Black Wolf is the nickname of the former Russian Commonwealth submariner and Commander of the prototype Death Bringer submarine, Volodymyr Nikonov. Though he usually operates under contract to the...
Description The main warhorse of the Commonwealth Naval warmachine is the Borodino Class Battleship. These vessels are of solid construction and the first of them to come out of the...
Description Tempered by revolution, civil war and failed conquests; forged in the fires of invasion and the minds of brilliant men and women, the Commonwealth stands as a beacon of...
Description Typically accompanying the Flagships of the Commonwealth are support squadrons of cruisers and Stoletov Ekranoplans. The Pravda Support Carriers are equipped with short flight decks and limited aircraft capacity...
Description The colossus that is the Commonwealth is able to draw on the massive resources available to mother Russia in order to build, not only its railways, industrial centres and...
Description After Helsinki Markov's treachery stole the Prometheus away from its creators there has been a bitter rivalry between the Covenant of the Enlightened and the Commonwealth. Certain Peers of...
Description While the Frontline Squadrons of the Crown Navy are used to going toe-to-toe with enemy fleets, the Support Squadrons serve a range of unique roles to aid and assist...
Description Huge submersible strike carriers, the Protecteur class was the brainchild of Canadian Frank Andrew Fleming and his assistants at the Davie Shipyard. The Protecteur uniquely combines the capacity of...
Description The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control...
Description The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had...
Description The most common vessel and backbone of the Crown fleet is the Albion Cruiser. This dependable ship is armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes. Several modifications have...
Description The Navy of the Celestian Empire is the brainchild of Empress Shinzua, who as Speaker of the fleets quickly moved to control all aspects of nautical warfare in addition...
Description The supporting cruisers that are assigned to Battlefleets through the forces of the Empire vary greatly. From the imposing Hokkaido Heavy Cruiser down to the nimble Kanagawa Monitor there...
Description The architects of the Dystopian Age, the Covenant of the Enlightened wield their formidable intellects to sweep aside those ignorant or deluded who stand in the way of Scientific...
Description Commonly found in support of larger vessels of the Imperium's Navy are a number of specialised cruiser variants. Built on the ubiquitous Blucher Class hull, these ships can be...
Description The Hochmeister is a mechanical marvel crewed by Teutonic Knight-Luminaries. These Vitruvian colossi stride the seabed waiting for the perfect time to strike, launching upwards on powerful hydro jets....
Description Faction: Prussian ImperiumUnit Type: Cruiser, Frigate The Imperium war machine is built upon a single concept - efficiency. Having the right weaponry for an engagement is often the key to victory...
Description The Teutonic Knight-Luminaries developed an advanced generator ship utilising much of the Elector class design. Featuring the latest in metallurgical and technological advancements, the Konig class is used to...
Description Sinister vessels crewed entirely from the cult of the Order, the Retaj Portalship is beyond the limit of the scientific and engineering expertise of the Sultanate. Indeed it is...
Description Of all the Battleships upon the seas in the last 50 years the Britannia Class of the Crown has been considered the heaviest. That is until the Empire launched...
Description The Testbed ship for Nikolai Tesla's revolutionary Arc technologies, the USS Mexico is often sent into the heart of engagements against the enemies of the Union. The results of...
Description March 1947. Europe is gradually emerging from it's most severe winter in living memory. Dug in through the winter, British and Commonwealth troops prepare to begin the last push...
Description This book is the second supplement for Konflikt ’47 and seeks to expand the game’s boundaries further by introducing more units, forces and army build options. The largest section...
Description As World War II continues beyond 1945, the battling countries have become even more desperate to develop new super weapons to give them a winning advantage. Exploiting new technologies...
Description June 1947. The Imperial Japanese Army is consolidating its position after almost 16 years of war, first with China, then in a brief struggle with the Soviet Union and...
Description A long-awaited arrival for the Konflikt '47 sees its universe finally expanding as new armies, units, rules and scenarios take centre stage of this book. Also within this book...
Description Written by Chris Hale and with fantastic artwork by Jon Cave and Russ Charles this mighty 208 page rule book contains the complete background and rules to play 1947...
Description March 1947. As Europe emerges from the worst winter in living memory the Soviet war machine is replenished and ready for action. 1946 was not the greatest year for...
Description As the US developed walker tactics for regiments of Grizzly and Bruin walkers it became apparent that an antiaircraft capability was required; wheeled and tracked systems were unable to...
Description As World War II continues beyond 1945, the battling countries have become even more desperate to develop new super weapons to give them a winning advantage. Exploiting new technologies...
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniatures made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Arcanist
Keywords: Chimera, December
Sightless Snow